
Luna Terahertz Sensors and Gauges Provide Blow Molding and Other Process Control Insights

March 2021 Journal of Blow Molding cover imageLuna的太赫兹(THz)测量解决方案在2021年3月出版的Journal of Blow Molding,一种专注于形成和连接中空塑料部件的制造工艺的出版物,例如用于形成瓶子或其他中空形状和容器的塑料部件。


How does a THz measurement system work?

THz sensors emit a very narrow pulse of completely safe energy. This pulse travels through air to the sample and generates reflections of the pulse at every interface between two materials (including air and the sample's outer surfaces). If the sample is multilayer, interior layers will also create reflections, which provide a measurement of the interior layers. The THz system measures the time between the two reflections off the top and bottom of a layer and uses this value to calculate layer thickness. Thickness measurements are highly precise (typically less than plus or minus 0.1 mil or 2.5 microns for in-line measurement rates) and extremely repeatable. The systems have high resolution (less than 0.04 mil or 1 micron) and can be used in many challenging environmental conditions.

What comprises a THz system?

A THz system consists of a control unit, a flexible umbilical cable (up to about 147 feet long) and a sensor. Single-sensor and dual-sensor control units are available. The umbilical cable allows the sensor to be freely positioned for alignment with the object being examined.

Applications for THz technologies


Fuel Tanks



Another use is measuring the thickness of a multilayer parison just before it is clamped in the mold. Such information can be used to assist development and manufacturing, and to measure the phasing of the extrusion process to get better control and distribution of the wall thickness throughout the object. This will lead to faster development and startup, more consistent wall-thickness distribution and efficient use of material and energy.


In one case, over a measurement run of 86 hours, the barrier layer was measured with a standard deviation of plus or minus 1.5 microns, demonstrating the stability and high precision of the measurement, giving bottle manufacturers more control.

Luna’s non-contact terahertz sensors have demonstrated the ability to measure wall thickness of nearly all blow molded products, including multilayer products, at very high rates with high accuracy and precision, at many locations in the blow molding process. From the extruded parison or preform to the molded fuel tank or bottle, THz sensors can provide a high-precision measurement of multiple layers, regardless of color or material.

要阅读太赫兹业务开发总监Irl Duling博士和Luna Innovations Inc.高级研究科学家Jeffrey White博士的整篇文章,请访问March 2021 issue属于吹塑杂志.

See the full suite of Luna Terahertz solutions for process control and non-destructive test (NDT)在这里太赫兹呢188金宝慱欢迎你for gauging and imaging在这里.